Elias Alexander: Born Outside- MUSIC VIDEO

- Music

My talented friend Elias Alexander is swiftly distinguishing himself in traditional music circles as a piper, singer, composer, and sometime comedian.
I had such fun collaborating on his original music project, Born Outside with the crazy talented crew in Ashland this spring~
I hope this video of “No more F*cking Depression” we did live in a field- will fill your heart with sparkles as it does mine when you watch it… -Click on the Pic Below-

Depression is no stranger to my life and I feel it’s ugly presence as an epidemic in the US, especially in our younger generations.

//Music is the Medicine\\
~let’s sing and Dance with each other again~
Find out more about Elias HERE

Thanks for watching and sharing with someone who needs a smile
[this song has a moment of strong language. pop your headphones in if around little ones]

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